Mantras for Yoga

yoga Mantras: Top Mantras for Yoga and Meditation: What Do They Mean?

We usually have the idea that yoga uses physical poses as well as relaxation techniques to calm our mind and body. In reality, in many occasions, yoga is accompanied by mantras. A mantra is a silent repetition of sound vibrations that are considered sacred. Thanks to mantras, people can clear their mind and focus their concentration and attention on the present. In fact, by using a mantra, people can benefit from the use of these sounds.

yoga Mantras :

yoga Mantras are an integral part of yoga, just like pranayama (breathing techniques) or asana (postures). They are generally not practiced much in group classes, although every class begins with the mantra of mantras, Om (or Aum), chanted collectively at the opening (and closing) of a class.

But what exactly is a mantra?

Mantra is a Sanskrit word that can be broken down as follows: “man” means to think (from manas: mind) and “tra” means to protect. A mantra protects our mind. From what? From those incessant thoughts that constantly invade it. Indeed, the mind produces about 60,000 thoughts per day! And in addition to being compulsive, our mind is negative because these thoughts are mostly negative.
A mantra is materialized in the form of a sound. It can be simply a syllable (Om for example, the universal sound), a word, or a sentence, repeated many times and at a certain rhythm.

Mantras for Yoga
yoga Mantras

What are the effects of the mantra?

Its effects are those of the power of sound. The sound charged with energy creates a vibration that will resonate throughout our being and will have beneficial effects on our body, mind, and spirit.

It improves the circulation of vital energy (prana) in our 72000 nadis (energy channels).
It calms the mind by facilitating letting go and by evacuating the stress, it calms the fluctuations of the mind;
It improves our cognitive abilities: concentration, reflection, and at a more subtle level feeling, intuition;
It brings mental clarity, it frees the mind from the veil of illusion (our conditionings), and thus makes us evolve in our certainties, our beliefs of life, and of existence.

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How to use mantras?

As you will have understood, the mantra can be used as a “tool” just as we use the breath as a “tool” during meditation. Its repetition calms the mind and allows one to enter into a state of meditation (favoring communion with the Universe, the Subtle, the Divine).
It can be repeated aloud, quietly, or internally.
You must feel it in you in a deep way. But remember that it is the sound more than the meaning that is the essence of the mantra. So it can be a Sanskrit mantra, even if you don’t know the word-by-word translation (the meaning and the message it conveys are enough). The mantra must speak to you, echo in you, in relation to your life experience

4 benefits of yoga Mantras on your brain and nervous system

In recent years, science has done a lot of research on yoga postures, or asana, which has led more and more people to visit yoga studios and yoga therapists to get a healthy physique and heal their injuries, both emotional and physical. However, there is more to yoga than just the postures, and more scientific research is needed on other aspects of yoga to prove to skeptical people that these yoga tools really work.
Today I’m going to talk about the concept of mantra (translated from Sanskrit, mantra means “sound tool”) and explain in a simple and general way the positive results science has found about mantra, why it works and how you can benefit from using it in your daily life.

Benefits Of Mantra Practice
Benefits Of Mantra Practice

The scientists best known for studying the mantra are the neuroscientists. For those who don’t know, neuroscientists study everything about the brain, including how it is affected by different stimuli.
Neuroscientists have found through experiments that the human brain is strongly affected by strong stimuli, whether it is sound, touch, pain or emotion. Using technologies such as scanners, scientists can see that certain parts of the brain light up when affected by these types of stimuli.
They have also found that when practicing mantra, the human brain responds strongly, focusing on and influencing the message of the mantra, while the nervous system is affected by the vibration caused by chanting the mantra.

How The Mantra Works:

With mantra, you focus on a word or short phrase in your mind and eventually chant it, repeating it over and over, whether in Sanskrit or in your native language. By focusing on this word or words, you block other words and thoughts from entering your mind.
When you block your other senses, such as hearing, with earplugs, sight, with a blindfold or by closing your eyes, and remain still, standing, sitting or lying down, focusing primarily on your breath and saying your mantra or even just thinking your mantra, you are focusing entirely on those positive words and the thoughts associated with those words. For example, if you focus on repeating the word “peace” over and over again, and say it in a soothing chant, like “Paaaaaix. Peace. Paaaaaix,” your body will most likely begin to relax as your brain thinks of the word “peace” and situations associated with peace, such as hearing the waves of the ocean, the idea of your whole family getting along, or the silence of the night when everyone is asleep and businesses are closed.
You can also chant Sanskrit words such as the popular term “Aum” (often spelled “Om”), which translates into English as “All,” short for “omniscient,” or understood as “mindfulness.” If you want to know more, we have done an article on OM meditation.

“Aum” is one of those yoga Mantras that cause vibrations in the body, affecting the nervous system. I could go into detail about why this happens in terms of grammar, such as phonemes and phonetics, and talk scientifically about the receptors in the brain, but I’m not trying to blow up your brain by bombarding you with detailed information. You can also find all the information in this article: “What does OM mean? The reason I’m telling you all this is because I want you to recognize that there is scientific evidence, have a basic understanding of that evidence, and then be more motivated to practice mantra and add it to your lifestyle.

4 Benefits Of Mantra Practice:

Decrease Stressful Thoughts and Worries:
yoga Mantras are words or phrases, associated with a positive meaning. When you focus on the thought or chant of a mantra, you will no longer have stressful thoughts or worries about the future.

Relaxation of Body Muscles:
Related to the previous point, when you decrease negative thoughts, your body begins to relax. The stress response of clouding the mind and tensing the muscles is called “fight or flight. In hunter-gatherer times, this response protected us from death threats, such as contact with a hungry bear. Today, we have this stress response even when our lives are not in danger, so it is not very useful and we need to get away from it.

Increase Positive and Happy Thoughts:
This is essentially the opposite of the first point. yoga Mantras are associated with positive messages, so as you practice thinking and saying these mantras, your mind will naturally begin to think more positive thoughts, since you have trained it to think that way. This will help you manifest more happiness in your life!

Increased Ability to Focus on a Task:
While you can practice saying and thinking mantras while you are multitasking with a mundane task like wiping down your kitchen counters or driving, having a mantra practice where you sit and focus on your mantra for a while will help increase your ability to focus your attention on a task and this skill will manifest in other aspects of your life as well!

The mantra is an incredible tool for anyone as most, if not all, people struggle with worry, stress induced thoughts and thinking they are not good enough to be worthy of approval at any given time.
By nature, we have the ability to worry and think about possible situations to protect ourselves, which is helpful. However, when we do this too much, it makes it impossible for us to function or adapt to change.
Add mantra practice to your daily life to better control your thoughts, prevent attention deficits, relax your body and gain a more positive state of mind! You will be amazed at how many difficulties in your life will suddenly dissipate.

Meditation yoga Mantras For Beginners: patanjali yoga mantra:

Patanjali Yoga Sutras | Ashtanga | Sanskrit Invocation & Selected Sutras

Patanjali Yoga Sutras | Ashtanga | Sanskrit Invocation & Selected Sutras

yoga mantras sanskrit

Sanskrit yoga Mantras for Fertility and Creativity | Rig Veda

Sanskrit Mantras for Fertility and Creativity | Rig Veda

Yoga Mantras For Meditation English List:

List Of yoga Mantras For Meditation

  • I Am Enough.
  • I’m Here for a Purpose.
  • Om Namah Shivaya.
  • I Open My Heart to the Universe.
  • It is Coming from Me, Not at Me.
  • Om Gam Ganapataye Namah: I salute Ganesha.
  • Ananda Hum: I am bliss.
  • Kritajna Hum: I am gratitude.
  • Samprati Hum: The present moment is my true self.
  • Prani Dhana: My individuality expands to universality.
  • Karuna Hum: I am compassion.
  • Aham Brahmasmi: I am divine.
  • Om Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah: Let peace and happiness prevail everywhere.
  • Om Saha Navavatu: Let we move and grow together to shine.
  • Om Shanti Shanti Shanti: Complete state of peacefulness.
  • Dhanya Vad: I feel gratitude, thank you.
  • Namaste: I bow to the divine in you.
  • Twam Eva Mata: We are your children.
  • Om Shara Vana Ya: My awareness is aligned with the power of the universe.
  • Om Hreem: Vibrations to still your mind.
  • Om Purnam Adah – The universe around us is as complete.
  • Aham Prema: I am love.
  • Om Kleem Shreem: Appreciation and gratitude for the abundance in life.
  • Ananta Swa Bhava: infinite and unbounded.
  • Vratam Ahum: I am the consciousness.
  • Sanatana Hum – I am unending.
  • Atman Prakasha: Light of the soul.
  • Aroot Perum Jothi: omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent.
  • Twam Eva Sarvam: you are everyone to me.
  • Eem Hreem Kleem: I radiate confidence and strength.
  • Om Durgaya Namah: I am fearless.
  • Sheevo Hum: I am pure potentiality.
  • Ra Ma Da Sa Sa Say So Hung: I am Infinite.

yoga mantras for peace

yoga mantras for peace
yoga mantras for peace SPOTIFY
yoga mantras for peace ON SPOTIFY

yoga mantras and intentions

Ritualism: Mantras, mudras, and purification rituals are used to invoke a cosmic order
Asceticism: Early yogic practices to escape the unforgiving law of karma
Patanjali, Monism, and Dualism: The establishment of a spiritual discipline to achieve liberation
Tantrism: Tantric rituals introduce acceptance and divinization of the body into practice
Hatha Yoga: The richness of the postures becomes a means of liberation
Yoga and Science: The benefits of the practice are supported by science
Modern Yoga: Towards democratization, secularization and adaptation of the practice

List Of yoga Mantras And Their Benefits

What are the benefits of using mantras in meditation or yoga?

In the same way that happens with yoga or meditations, the repetitive use of mantras can have effects on our mental health. The reason is that, mentally, yoga Mantras allow us to increase concentration, which improves our focus and the benefits behind practices such as yoga or meditation. In addition, using them can also help us reduce stress and balance our emotions.
yoga Mantras are used for different purposes, but they can help us to better benefit from practices such as yoga or meditation because they help us to increase our attention in the present. Therefore, it may be a good idea to incorporate them into yoga or meditation.

List of the most powerful mantras


The OM is probably the most famous mantra in the world. It is very often used in yoga. It has many names, like the universal sound, or the primordial mantra.

The Om is composed of a deep inhalation followed by an exhalation starting with O and ending on M and is followed by a silence.

The benefits of the OM mantra
The OM mantra has a number of benefits including facilitating blood circulation, relaxing the body, opening the throat chakra, improving concentration and a sense of calm. It is the ideal mantra to learn how to relax easily.

Om mani Padme Hum:

A mantra particularly popular in Buddhism and synonymous with compassion.

Benefits of the mantra Om mani padme Hum
It is a mantra that aims to purify your energy, to purge you of all negative energy.

Om gam ganapataye namaha:

Addressed to the god Ganesh, this is a mantra that aims to facilitate and help you to accept change.

Benefits of the mantra Om gam ganapataye namaha
The main benefits of this mantra are to help you remove the obstacles between you and your projects.

Ra Ma Daa Saa Sa Say So Hung:

A healing mantra that is given great power and regularly used in Kundalini Yoga.

Benefits of the mantra Ra Ma Daa Saa Sa Say So Hung
The main benefit of this mantra is of course its healing power. It can be used for your own healing, or for the healing of another.

Sa ta na ma:

A mantra used to cope with a change or transition and recited for two minutes aloud, then two minutes in silence, followed by two minutes of whispering and finally two minutes aloud. Note that this mantra is also accompanied by gestures with your fingers for each syllable.

The benefits of the Sa ta na ma mantra
The main benefit of this mantra is to give you the courage and motivation to face the changes and trials to come.


So Ham is a mantra that focuses on the self, and is given a meaning similar to “I am who I am”. Typically, this mantra is practiced by breathing in on the “So” and breathing out on the “ham”.

Benefits of the So-Ham Mantra
The main benefit of this mantra is self-compassion, selfawareness. It is a way to reflect and meditate on yourself and your place in the universe.

Om Namah Shivaya:

One of the most powerful mantras that can help one reach a transcendental state.

The benefits of the mantra Om Namah Shivaya
The main benefits of this mantra are to help you fight negative energies and be the best version of yourself, confident and willing.

Lokah Samastah Sukinho Bhavantu:

A mantra that is characterized by love, as well as empathy.

Benefits of the mantra Lokah Samastah Sukinho Bhavantu
The main benefits of this mantra are to make you feel loved and to radiate positive energies to your loved ones.

Om Gam Ganapataye Namah:

A mantra that is mainly characterized by change, newness, and rebirth.

The benefits of the mantra Om Gam Ganapataye Namah
The main benefit of this mantra is to accompany you in a transition and to eliminate potential obstacles.

Om Vignha Nashanaya Namah:

A chanted mantra whose main purpose is to break down the barriers and negative energies that hold you back.

list of mantras and their benefits pdf and amazon:

Yoga of the Planets:
Yoga of the Planets:

Their Mantras and Philosophy Paperback

Mantra Yoga Samhita
Mantra Yoga Samhita

This book on Hinduism written by devout Hindus sets forth the beliefs and practices of the Hindus and is designed especially for the Western reader who seeks a sympathetic understanding of Hinduism,

zen mantras for meditation

zen mantras for meditation

transcendental meditation mantras list

transcendental meditation mantras list

21 Mantras For Meditation:

list of mantras for meditation
list of mantras for meditation
  1. I am bliss
  2. This moment is perfect, whole, and complete.
  3. Nature is conspiring for me.
  4. I have no expectation of any result.
  5. Recharge, renew, then respond.
  6. The power of intention lies within.
  7. I will follow my bliss.
  8. I am as dynamic as my rest.
  9. I am available for energy and creativity.
  10. My nature is to flow.
  11. I am grateful for…
  12. What is true for me today?
  13. My intent is heard by universal intelligence.
  14. Everything and everyone is extended self.
  15. The answers are sourced within.
  16. I am committed to my personal growth and evolution.
  17. My bliss is judgement free.
  18. My true nature is spirit.
  19. I celebrate my extended self.
  20. My true happiness is sourced from within.
  21. I am.

Which mantra is powerful for meditation?

Aum or the Om: It is the most universal mantra. For its simplicity and specific sound, it is considered to be the sound of the universe. It represents the original vibration, the cycle of life – the birth and death.

What does my mantra mean?

A mantra is a motivating chant, like the “I think I can, you repeat over and over to yourself on the last stretch of every marathon you run. A mantra is usually any repeated word or phrase, but it can also refer more specifically to a word repeated in meditation.

What does mantra mean in meditation?

mantra meditation is a form of mindfulness practice where repetition of a word or phrase helps settle the mind. Get comfortable and remember your intention. As with any other form of practice, you’ll enjoy mantra meditation more if you have a comfortable seat! Look for a quiet space and avoid bright light and sensory

What are some good mantras to say?

I Am Enough.
I’m Here for a Purpose.
Om Namah Shivaya.
I Open My Heart to the Universe.
It is Coming from Me, Not at Me.
Om Gam Ganapataye Namah: I salute Ganesha.
Ananda Hum: I am bliss.
Kritajna Hum: I am gratitude.
Samprati Hum: The present moment is my true self.
Prani Dhana: My individuality expands to universality.
Karuna Hum: I am compassion.
Aham Brahmasmi: I am divine.
Om Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah: Let peace and happiness prevail everywhere.
Om Saha Navavatu: Let we move and grow together to shine.
Om Shanti Shanti Shanti: Complete state of peacefulness.
Dhanya Vad: I feel gratitude, thank you.
Namaste: I bow to the divine in you.
Twam Eva Mata: We are your children.
Om Shara Vana Ya: My awareness is aligned with the power of the universe.
Om Hreem: Vibrations to still your mind.
Om Purnam Adah – The universe around us is as complete.
Aham Prema: I am love.

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